PROJECT FOCUS: The hotel lobby-style bar wth antique tin ceiling is for a senior-living resort community in San Diego which is under construction right now.
OUR CHALLENGE: To lead the client towards the best decision about how the bar should function, feel and flow.
HOW? By creating photo-realistic images of how the resort will look in a few months, we can help to solve design problems and challenges before they exist IRL (in real life)
We also developed a virtual fly-through of this entire 25,000 square foot lobby to help the client see why we selected certain items and helps to make sense of how everything works together.
THE WIN: the client agreed to our list of recommendations and now feels like he understands our ‘why’. We share our images with the AV team, the electrician, and the marketing team that all now have a deep understanding of our mutual goal.
- Solve problems before they are actually built, saving thousands in construction costs, avoiding expensive delays in having to rework plans, reorder materials, and absorb financial losses.
- Create ‘now I get it’ collaborative moments between designers, builders, vendors, and clients so that we are all on the same page about what we are working towards.
- Develop an understanding of the big picture for the whole team: For clients that are spending significant amounts of money on larger development projects, sometimes it’s hard to see how all of the parts of the project work together in a unified way. Renderings and 3D fly-throughs help owners, investors, and other team members see the project from a holistic viewpoint.