Its a common story; business owners get so stuck in not knowing what to do with their boring white walls, that they end up just do nothing.
Zero. Zip Nada.
I hear it often from our interior design clients; They moved into their space and just started attacking the business at hand, not really thinking about their surroundings, their brand, or their environment.
They think…”I’ll get to it later”. Then later gets pushed back, and pushed back until doing something with the office surroundings just seems like a distant memory.
And you know what? I totally get it. You’re in business to solve problems for your clients, become a resource, and make a profit. That’s the bottom line, and as a business owner, you’ve got to look our for it all the time.
Which leaves the office feeling bland & boring (yawn…)
un-inspiring (ho hum)
not finished (running out of $$ ??)
Like you may move out over the weekend (scary)
There are so many fun and creative ways to treat this dreaded ‘death by boredom‘ disease. I’ve included some images of some of my favorites to get your wheels spinning… It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to show your team and the visitors to your office that you care and are invested in your work space. Just a little creative thinking from folks like us!

Here’s the Return on Investment:
1) A well designed and thoughtful environment will help you attract & retain highly valued staff .
2.) A branded office design will communicate your vision & mission to your team in subtle but meaningful ways.
3) A decorated office will demonstrate that you’ve invested in your business and your space, and showcase your style, functionality, and flair.
#whycolormatters #howtoplanforofficepaint #brandingtheoffice #howtodecoratetheoffice #ideasforofficeart #officeart #officedesign #decoratingtheoffice #sdofficedesign #WeFIXuglyoffices